Indian Cuisine Recipes Indian Cuisine is known with the wide variety of spice mixes used in cooking. Butter chicken and Samsa are popular Indian dishes. The best recipes of Indian Cuisine are at Petite Gourmets for those who like to create flavor with different spices in their meals!
Main Dish This Chana Masala recipe is chickpeas dish immersed in a rich blend of...
Dessert This Indian dessert with our authentic Gajar ka Halwa recipe is a rich...
Pasta Chicken Curry Pasta is a flavorful and satisfying dish for dinner. Enjoy...
Snack Add a tangy twist to your meals with this Lemon Pickle recipe!
Main Dish Marinated chicken breasts with yogurt and cream: Indian Chicken Korma recipe.
Appetizer Make Indian restaurant quality flatbread with this Homemade Naan Bread...
Main Dish With meat marinated in yogurt and spices, this Tandoori Chicken recipe...
Snack This Homemade Paneer Pakora Recipe is an Indian snack made with paneer...
Breakfast You will love this Indian Flatbread Aloo Paratha Recipe, which is crispy...
Appetizer Spicy and crispy Papadums are a great starter or side dish. It is easy-to-make...
Sauces Who can say no to a sweet, tangy and spicy flavor to lift the mood and...
Main Dish This easy Indian Chicken Biryani recipe will help you make Hyderabadi style...
Main Dish If you enjoy chicken and spicy food, you would love this delicious Chicken...
Tapas Are you one of those who assume preparing a dish requires tons of effort...
Main Dish Use this creamy butter chicken recipe to make authentic butter chicken...
Main Dish A famous dish is made with chicken in a spiced curry sauce. The curry is...
Soup An aromatic and healthy soup. It is one of the local delicacies of the...
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