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10 Culinary Terms Everyone Should Know

23 May 2020

The term Gastronomy, first used by the French writer Joseph Berchoux in 1801, is basically a discipline that examines the relationship between culture and food. In the Greek language, "Gastro" related to the stomach is derived from the combination of the words "Nomos" which means law and rule. The process from everything that can be eaten on the table, ready to be eaten, aiming for maximum taste and eye pleasure is the subject of gastronomy. So what are the 10 terms everyone should know about gastronomy?


It is a vegetable-spice mixture water that can be used in basic sauces, meat and vegetable juices, soups, meals, to support the taste of the food. While the carrot, celery stalk and onion are used in the content of Mirepoix in France, Italians add parsley stalk, garlic and fennel after using onion, carrot and celery stalk. It is pronounced as "Mir-pu-a".


One of the most common features of successful chefs is their extreme care of their ingredients. Organoloptic means using all of our senses of seeing, touching and smelling when choosing a product.

Mise En Place

It refers to all the preliminary preparations for the service. Briefly, it is the preparation of the place to be served and the tables ready for service. It is pronounced as “Mizan-Pılas”.


It means washing and drying the fish after cleaning and keeping it wrapped at minus 18 degrees.

Garde Manger

It means the chef in charge of a cool and well-ventilated area where cold dishes are prepared and other foods are stored under cool environment.

Bain Marie

It is the method of heating or melting food that is in danger of burning when placed directly on the fire, such as chocolate, by placing it in hot water in a container. How to Melt Bain Marie Chocolate?


Mutfakta hazırlanan sos, çorba ve sulu kıvamdaki yemeklere kıvam kazandıran ya da bunların akışkanlıklarının ayarlanmasını sağlayan yardımcı ürüne liaisons denir. Bağlayıcı anlamına gelir.

The auxiliary product that gives the consistency of the sauce, soup and juicy consistency prepared in the kitchen or provides the adjustment of their fluidity is called liaisons. It means connector.

Nappe Consistency

It means the exact consistency of a sauce or a fluid meal.


It means cleaning the particles that come to the surface of the water during boiling or cooking with a colander.


It is the process of collecting the oil and water that emerges during cooking and using them on the food again.

Post byPetite Gourmets

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