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Best Ramen Noodle Restaurants In The World

13 January 2021
Best Ramen Noodle Restaurants In The WorldPhoto By Canva

Ramen is a huge sensation the world over. Instant ramen is found everywhere, and there are a huge number of ‘hacks’ designed to make instant ramen as incredible as it possibly can be. With that in mind, there are also a number of restaurants that sell amazing ramen at a top price - let’s take a look at some of the best ones.

Tsuta - Tokyo, Japan

Japan is the birthplace of ramen, so it’s no surprise that Japan is where the best ramen in the world can be bought. Regularly, Michelin releases a guide to the best food that you can find in Tokyo. This restaurant is often very high on the list - to the degree that it’s been awarded a Michelin star! From that alone, we can tell that this restaurant is the best of the best.

Conversely to what you might expect of a Michelin starred restaurant, Tusta is actually a very small affair. It is known to be particularly tiny and not too fancy at all. The restaurant floor can only hold nine customers at a time!

This means that you can expect to wait at least thirty minutes for a meal - which certainly ensures anyone who does get in is a true noodle connoisseur. Also, purchasing your meal involves buying a ticket from a vending machine, which is then traded for food. All these things combine to form a particularly odd experience for a number of diners.

Ide Shoten - Wakayama, Japan

It’s no surprise that Japan is a double-hitter on this list, and both of the restaurants are truly stunning. While Ide Shoten isn’t Michelin star-awarded, it does receive a bevy of extremely high praise from anyone who chooses to dine there.

Wakayama is a smaller city than Tokyo, of course, but both the city and this restaurant get great attention in terms of food. Ide Shoten is a family-run restaurant that’s beloved by a huge number of local and international visitors. The love is so extensive, in fact, that visiting this restaurant will grant you a wait of at least thirty minutes, no matter which day you go.

This restaurant specializes in expertly flavored broths. Typically, they use pork bones to give their broth exceptional richness and wonderful flavor. Their most popular dish is the tonkotsu-shoyu, which is a ramen dish containing pork bones and soy sauce. The owner has regularly stated that the process of making great ramen is simple, and he makes ‘noodles with [his] heart’.

Tsujita LA - Los Angeles, California

The USA is a haven of superb food, which is lucky for ramen lovers who live there - they don’t need to travel too far to experience some of the best noodles in the world.

Tsujita LA takes ramen, which is traditionally a cheap, simple dish, and makes it into a magnificently fine dining experience that no-one wants to miss out on. All of the dishes that are served as Tsujita LA are inspired by Tokyo cuisine, so you can be sure that you’re getting authentically wonderful ramen.

Further to this, the restaurant received help from the owner of Tanaka-Shoten, which is a famous Tokyo ramen spot famous for perfecting its wonderful dishes. This means that the wonderful ramen on offer at Tsujita LA is sure not to disappoint.

The thing that truly makes Tsujita LA’s ramen stand out from the crowd is their wonderful broth. They simmer their broth for sixty hours before using it to make a meal, maximizing all of the available flavors. They make sure to use chicken, fish, and pork to create a delicious stock that’s perfect for all of their dishes.

They also offer a range of noodles for you to pick from - you can ask for the noodles in your dish to be cooked in one way or another, depending on how soft or hard you like your ramen noodles to be.

The add-ons are a less appreciated but extremely important part of what makes Tsujita LA so special. You can add almost anything your heart desires, from sliced barbecue to soft-boiled eggs. This makes the ramen simply exquisite!

Ippudo, New York, New York

Ippudo is a well-known spot among ramen lovers, and for a number of reasons. They offer a superb range of incredible fillings and dishes on their menu suitable for people with any diet out there.

The many Ippudo spots around the world are famous for their Ippudo buns, where you can choose from a number of flavors and customize them to your heart’s content. Naturally, the ramen dishes are to die for. The Miso Akamaru ramen, in particular, is sought after. It is made with traditional tonkotsu pork broth, as well as three different kinds of miso.

Ippudo is also very well known for its friendly, sweet nature. Often, as you are seated in the restaurant a number of different staff members will welcome you with smiles and good-natured cheering. What a lovely spot!

Here are delicious ramen and noodle recipes

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It is one of the most popular recipes of Far Eastern cuisine. There are many varieties, chicken and vegetables are among the most consumed. You can increase...

Ramen is a great example of a phenomenon that we love in the world of food - taking something very simple and making it incredible. You can see it the world over with artisanal restaurants and products everywhere, and we love that ramen is getting its moment in the sun too.

Post byPetite Gourmets

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