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Best Sushi Restaurants in the World

28 April 2020

Sushi is one of the most impressive foods around the world - difficult to make and delicious to eat. Where, out there, serves the best sushi?

Best Sushi Restaurants in the World

One of the popular foods worldwide is Sushi. Sushi, which is very open to prejudiced approach, turns into a passion after trying. Sushi is a legend of Japanese cuisine made using rice, seafood, vegetables and various tropical fruits. Rolls that come to mind when talking about sushi are just one of the types of sushi called maki. Apart from maki, there are nigiri, sashimi, uramaki, temaki varieties. The most commonly used ingredients are soy and wasabi.

How to eat sushi?

Art sushi in the kitchen! Like any culture, sushi culture has important rules.

Before starting your sushi, be sure to ask the chef for advice as a show of respect. Afterwards, do not bother with ordinary conversations, remember, chefs are artists, do not distract them.

Wipe your hands with a wet towel that will traditionally be offered to you.

Do not mix wasabi and soy sauce. Although it is a very frequent behavior in the West, it is among one the rules of this culture.

You can eat using the sticks or your hands. However, do not try to divide the sushi with the stick.

The last rule is to enjoy every bite, and enjoy the moment.

You can watch the video below to learn how to use chopsticks.

You can easily find sushi in restaurants and markets around the world, however you can even make sushi at home. We think that everyone should have a favorite sushi restaurant to find freshness and taste together at the right address. Wouldn't you like to have an amazing sushi experience in the place you live or travel? If you think it's hard to find, we listed some of the best sushi restaurants in the world for you.

Komuro - Tokyo, Japan

Kumoro is a world-famous sushi restaurant in Tokyo, Japan. It also has 2 Michelin stars. Mitsuhiro has been serving since 2000 under the direction of Komuro. In Kumoro, where quality and freshness are prioritized, the menu changes seasonally. Get ready for delicious moments.

Bamboo Sushi - Portland, OR

This restaurant, which is environmentally friendly and has a sense of social responsibility that operates on the basis of sustainability, should be an example of many restaurants that are known. We wish the proliferation of these restaurants, which care about nature in every field, from the supply chain to energy efficiency. You can feel the Far East's respect for food in this restaurant. One of the right addresses for quality and delicious sushi. It serves not only in Portland but also in different regions.

Sukiyabashi Jiro - Tokyo, Japan

It is the restaurant owned by the world's most famous sushi master Jiro Ono. His reputation has increased more with the documentary that was released in 2011 and you can watch on Netflix. We recommend you to make a reservation. Despite its high budget, you will have an incredible experience. If your path falls to Tokyo, for an unforgettable taste, do not miss the opportunity.

Alex Sushi - Oslo, Norway

A restaurant that has been serving in Oslo since 2001. It is in the style of modern and creativity with traditional style. It offers taste above the world standards thanks to its quality and fresh material. After trying it, you may consider moving to Oslo.

Ioki - Istanbul, Turkey

At Ioki, you can have a delicious sushi with the unique and amazing Bosphorus view. It is a sushi restaurant run by Oki Keizo. It's a story that goes from Japan to America and then to Istanbul. It has a wide menu that includes not only traditional sushi, but also tastes suitable for Turkish taste. You can experience the perfect harmony of tradition and creativity. You will not want to leave the incredible view of Istanbul.

O Ya - Boston, Massachusetts

O Ya is a fantastic sushi restaurant that is adored by anyone and everyone that happens to grace their establishment. Both Boston locals and tourists adore their dishes, which include sushi as well as a lot of other Japanese dishes.

Some of the non-sushi menu items are particularly impressive, such as the Japanese Wagyu beef. If you’re opting for sushi, however, you won’t be disappointed. They offer impressive dishes such as venison tataki and bluefin maguro - either one is sure to be a crowd-pleaser.

O Ya also has a location in New York, but the Boston location is perhaps a little more impressive. The food is decadent, delicious, and a must-have, but it can be quite expensive. As long as you attend willing to spend a fair amount of cash, you’ll have a great time!

SUSHISAMBA - Las Vegas, Nevada

SUSHISAMBA is a unique restaurant that’s certainly worth a visit. They offer a one-of-a-kind menu made up of a number of different Brazillian-Peruvian-Japanese fusion cuisine items. This menu makes it a wonderful dining experience that we’d recommend checking out

Fusion cuisine has long been a popular theme for a restaurant to embrace, and we understand why. Eating at a fusion restaurant like SUSHISAMBA allows you to try incredible new flavor combinations that you might never have had before, and may never have again!

As well as their unique Japanese menu, SUSHISAMBA also boasts a great vegan menu, along with a huge drinks menu for people to enjoy while they sample some wonderful dishes. The interior of the restaurant is also worth mentioning - it’s beautifully designed, making you feel as though you’ve completely left Las Vegas to experience a great meal.

Sushi Sei - Budapest, Hungary

This is a great spot set in the heart of Óbuda, within walking distance of Kolosy Square. This impressive town boasts a lot of spectacular restaurants - the food scene is deeply impressive.

This restaurant, though, is very elegant and has a well-thought-out and constructed menu. All of the dishes combine traditional flavors with a modern twist, ideal for an experimental sushi night out.

Across the menu of the popular sushi spot, you can find a number of impressive items, including shiitake mushrooms with a sweet soy sauce, as well as fried tofu with sweet soy sauce, pine nuts, bonito flakes, and spring onions. This choice to be brave with their complex ingredient lists and cooking methods means that Sushi Sei is set to be a prominent spot for years to come!

Sushi Sei has been in business in this location for more than ten years! That’s impressive no matter which way you cut it, but it’s exceptionally impressive to consider that they’re cultivated a dazzlingly loyal following of locals who adore their food. The sushi is renowned to be particularly fresh and delicious, allowing you to sample some amazing fish in some amazing dishes.

Kin Chan - Honolulu, Hawaii

Because of its unique location, Hawaii is truly a state with its own culture and spectacular food. Despite that, you may still have a hankering for sushi when visiting the islands. If you do, then we’d recommend Kin Chan.

This is a tiny restaurant located in Restaurant Row which only seats twelve people, and has a single sushi chef. In construction, it’s actually more of a classic sushi bar, with a number of wonderful items on the menu. The bar itself is small and intimate, which helps contribute to a great sense of homeliness while you’re eating some spellbinding dishes.

We’re a big fan of restaurants that take something that may typically be considered as a drawback (a lack of space in the dining area) and transforms it into a strength. Kin Chan has done this in their sushi bar, allowing you to have a great experience socially while you’re eating some amazing sushi.

Sushimama - Lubljana, Slovenia

Sushimama is a wonderful food spot in Lubljana which is ideal for a fun night out with friends and family. It’s the type of restaurant that’s ideal to visit in a small group - they’ll continually be bringing new and exciting dishes to your table, ideal for a great time and new subject of conversation.

Sushimama serves spectacle versions of all the classics. They make rice bowls, sashimi, and sushi some of their most popular flagship dishes. Plus, they offer a wide range of delicious and interesting hot dishes to sample.

The kitchen at Sushimama is packed with really impressive chefs. It truly is the kind of place where you’re best off ordering a number of different, smaller dishes in order to sample as many excellent flavors as possible.

Here are some recipes from the Japanese cuisine

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Is Sushi Healthy?

This is a bit of a tricky question to answer. As with most foods, the answer is yes, if eaten in moderation.

The main building blocks of sushi are rice and fish. Rice is a healthy grain, and has been a key part of Asian diets for centuries! Most health authorities recommend that you base your diet around healthy fiber like rice, pasta, and potatoes - they offer a lot of energy, and can be great for your digestive health.

That said, too many foods high in carbohydrates can lead to a very calorie-rich diet, which isn’t, on its own, a good thing. Fish is exceptionally healthy, provided it’s eaten as part of a balanced diet. Both oily and non-oily fish are part of a number of different sushi menus and recipes, meaning that it would be possible for you to get all your necessary fishy vitamins via sushi - tasty!

Post byPetite Gourmets

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