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Herbal Teas The Miracle of Nature

15 November 2019
Herbal Teas The Miracle of Nature

Does the miracle of nature fit into a cup? Yes, thanks to herbal tea, everything we need is stored in your cup.

Herbal teas have been used for healing since ancient times. It is usually consumed after brewing in boiled water for a short time.

Herbal teas have many benefits from regulating blood sugar to bloating, from cold to metabolic rate, from fat burning to insomnia, from depression to nausea. When consuming herbal teas, it is important to pay attention to quantity and brewing times. Excess consumption can cause toxic effects and brewing time may cause many problems as well, so be very careful. Plants used as an aid in the treatment of disease should be consumed in consultation with a specialist. Plants with healing depots can be harmful if used unconsciously.

Let us take a closer look at these healing teas offered by nature.


Herbal Teas The Miracle of Nature

It is indispensable in every season. The first thing that comes to mind when you are sick is tea. Good for throat infections, depression. It cleans the liver and protects the digestive system. Keeps cellulite problem to a minimum. A small branch of tea in a glass of boiling water on top by adding and should brew for a maximum of 5 minutes. You should not consume more than 2 glasses. Low blood pressure and diabetics should not consume.

Green Tea

Herbal Teas The Miracle of Nature

The difference from black tea is that the leaves are collected and dried quickly without waiting. It is a very preferred tea type because it is a fat burner. It is a powerful antioxidant source. It protects heart health. Accelerates metabolism. You can apply as a compress to detention. You should not consume more than 3 glasses a day. You can brew it by throwing it into a cup full of hot water. Do not exceed the brewing time of 5 minutes. It is an energizing tea when brewed with rosemary and cinnamon.

Camomile Tea

Herbal Teas The Miracle of Nature

It is the most peaceful tea that nature offers us. When you feel emotionally weak during the day, you must consume this tea. It has an antidepressant effect. Very useful for upper respiratory and digestive system. It's good for menstrual pains. It relaxes the muscles and is perfect for insomnia. We recommend getting it from a reliable location. Add 2 spoons of chamomile tea with hot water and let it brew for 2-3 minutes.

Linden Tea

Herbal Teas The Miracle of Nature

Linden is the biggest enemy of the flu and the common cold. It is a popular tea that is preferred not only during sickness but also during tea times. Put a pinch of linden leaf into a cup of water and brew with the lid closed for three minutes. Do not boil linden on the stove. It also reduces stress. Strengthens the immune system. Drink a maximum of 2-3 glasses per day.

Mint Tea

Herbal Teas The Miracle of Nature

It is one of the most consumed herbal teas in the world. It supports the digestive system. It has antioxidant, antiviral and antibacterial properties. Good for nausea and indigestion. When brewing mint leaves in hot water, wait for 5-6 minutes.

Hibiscus Tea

Herbal Teas The Miracle of Nature

Pink-red color and refreshing pie flavor. You can make hot or iced tea. It has antiviral and antioxidant properties. Decaffeinated, high vitamin C-containing hibiscus strengthens the immune system, lowers blood pressure. It helps to lose weight in regular use. Cleans the lung. After boiling water, add a pinch of hibiscus. Allow to infuse for 10 minutes. Sweeten with honey and consume it with lemon.

Ginger Tea

Herbal Teas The Miracle of Nature

It is an antioxidant tea that strengthens the immune system. Useful for cough, nausea, fat burning. When making tea, you need to peel the outer skin of the ginger. 1 cup of water in the size of nuts and boil for 10 minutes should add ginger. You can add 1 teaspoon of honey into it so that you get a delicious and effective tea against cough.

Melissa Tea

Herbal Teas The Miracle of Nature

It is a calming tea. Reduces stress, good for stomach problems. It is a plant of the mint family. It facilitates digestion. Due to its antiseptic properties, it is effective against problems such as herpes and aphthae which are present in the mouth area. Excessive consumption causes dizziness. Do not use together with medicines. Pregnant women are not recommended to consume. Brew 1 teaspoon of lemon balm in 1 cup of hot water for 8 minutes.

Rosehip Tea

Herbal Teas The Miracle of Nature

Rosehip is made from the fruit of the rose plant. It contains high amounts of vitamin C. The anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects of rosehip help fight the aging of the skin. Reduces rheumatism pains and strengthens immunity. Good for constipation. It brightens the skin and has been observed to reduce wrinkles in regular use. Crush 5-6 rosehips and brew for 10 minutes in 1 cup of hot water. When brewing, make sure that the mouth is closed so that the vitamin C effect is not reduced.

Matcha Tea

Herbal Teas The Miracle of Nature

It is one of the most preferred teas in Japanese tea ceremonies. It can also be used in recipes such as cakes and cookies. Accelerates metabolism. It is beneficial for heart and liver health. When brewing, place 1-2 grams of matcha in the bowl and add 1 cup of hot water. Try to form foams while mixing from left to right.

Herbal teas are available in various flavors and are naturally sugar-free and without calories.

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These are general information. The effects may not be the same for everyone, we advise you not to consume without consulting with your doctor.

Post byPetite Gourmets

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