It is a sauce made from the seeds of the mustard. There are two types of mustard: white and black. The seeds can be ground and used as spices in meals. It is good for cough, it is digestive. It relieves muscle pain. There is 66 calories in 100 grams of mustard.
American Experience the flavors of the Windy City with our authentic Chicago-Style...
European Fresh, delicious, and easy to make - Enjoy a healthy twist on the classic...
Asian Enjoy the perfect balance of sweet and savory with this Honey Glazed Salmon...
Indian Add a tangy twist to your meals with this Lemon Pickle recipe!
European Grilled Chicken Breast is a quick and delicious dish made with juicy chicken...
American You will be amazed by these spicy and hot Deviled Eggs. These practical...
American The perfect harmony of fresh mango and boiled chickpeas: Mango Hummus!...
American This Cuban Sandwich recipe is prepared with ham, cheese, roasted meat,...
American Sandwiches are one of the most popular ready-to-eat foods. When it is paired...
Turkish Raw sea bass fillets are marinated in citrus juice, olive oil and vinegar...
German Use this simple German bratwurst recipe to make authentic sausages that...
Indian Who can say no to a sweet, tangy and spicy flavor to lift the mood and...
French A piece of French cuisine.Although it is mostly made of beef, chicken is...
Indian An aromatic and healthy soup. It is one of the local delicacies of the...
Asian Far Eastern cuisine is one of the cuisines that has achieved a universal...
American Hamburger, a world-famous food, is almost everybody’s favorite when it...
European Preheat oven to 175°C (347° F). Grease the baking tray.Wash the chicken...
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